We slowed down just long enough to get our jobs, accept a house, and then start moving again!
After Thailand we took a week break. This was not by choice. This was due to me dry swallowing my anti malaria medication, burning my esophagus, spending a day in the emergency room, and basically being miserable for a week straight. Travel looks good on me, but coming home never has. That week flew by, and we were back on the road within minutes.
We drove to Everett, Washington to see Jon's college roommate and his wife for a night and then onto Helena, Montana to surprise some friends and spent the weekend eating good food, doing an escape room, and talking until my throat was hoarse. It was a refreshing weekend and both Jon and I felt that we needed to stay off our electronics for a while to enjoy some of the moments that we got to have with them. Then we left Montana to drive north to Mission BC to visit with Jon's family one more time. We had a great time eating way too many gluten free desserts and laughing about life and our trips to Thailand.
After Canada, we drove south through Whidbey Island and caught the ferry at Coupeville to Port Townsend. The ferry was relaxing and we found a puzzle someone had left so that we could continue it. Both of us were thankful to get out of our car for a bit. We spent a few days with his family on his dad's side, over in Port Townsend and surrounding towns. We even got to eat some Thai food (as two weeks was long enough to go without it).
We spent some time with some friends in southern Washington that next weekend before we geared up for the trip we had really stayed in Washington for. My dad turned 60 October 9th and we all flew down to Vegas with him for a surprise weekend. We got to watch him drive a racing car around a NASCAR track, got to ride along with professional drivers, saw lots of sights we didn't need to see in Vegas, watched the Blue Man Group, enjoyed some junk food, drank only a few drinks, and just wandered our way through Vegas with about a dozen family and friends. We had the best time and were so sad when the weekend was over.
After that trip, we buckled down and started really looking into jobs in the Boise area. I knew that I wanted a ministry job and I also knew what area I wanted to live in. I flew over to Boise for a weekend after getting home from Vegas and toured a few houses. I found a house that I absolutely loved and knew we would want to rent and then also interviewed for a job at the university that Jon and I graduated from. I was hopeful on both fronts.
As of today, I can officially announce that we got the house and I got the job. We will start our move to Boise in the next week or so! We are so excited for what this next phase means for us as a family and are beyond thrilled that God worked things out this early. We weren't sure when we were actually going to be able to move, but we were hoping it would be around this time frame.
Be praying for us as we get ready to move and as Jon waits to hear back from the job that he interviewed with! We are sure that God has all of these things in His hands.
We love you all and are excited to share more as we know more!